Technical translation is the complex and challenging process of translating a wide range of written materials related to technical fields from a source language to a target language. Technical translation requires a high level of expertise and a deep understanding of the subject matter at hand, as technical documents often contain complex and specialized terminology and specialized information.

Dedicated team of in-house technical translators
A technical translator is a professional translator who specializes in the translation of technical documents and materials. In addition to language skills, technical translators also need to have knowledge of specific software programs, tools, equipment and processes used in the industry, as well as an understanding of international standards and regulations.

There are many fields that are considered technical, and technical translation can cover a wide range of industries and subject matters. Some of the most common technical and engineering fields we work with include aeronautics, computing, electricity and electronics, information technology, marine engineering, mechanics, power and energy, shipbuilding, software, telecommunications and transport.

Our technical translators work on a wide range of documents, including bills of materials and parts identification lists, CAD drawings, certificates, instruction and operation manuals, operating guides, project specifications and statements of work, reports, safety sheets, standards and specifications, technical information, test reports, training programs, user manuals and instructions.

As a Canadian company dealing with sensitive defence material, our company is subject to rigorous security requirements and provisions, including the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA), Controlled Goods Regulations (CGR), and International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) of the US Government. Hence, Fleetway is NATO Secret, Controlled Goods, and ITAR compliant. Since our systems and networks have been built specifically to these standards, Canada’s critical and strategic information is in good hands.

Since what we do is at the cutting edge of technology, the same goes for our state-of-the-art, on-premise computer-assisted translation infrastructure and production environment. It securely hosts a centralized platform for real-time collaboration and workflow automation and management designed to help our translation team manage their projects and terminology databases much more efficiently. Our solution is designed to integrate with established translation management systems and ingest multiple file formats, streamlining project creation and management, terminology management, quality assurance, and reporting.

Terminology is the cornerstone of technical translation, as it is used by professionals within a particular field to communicate with each other effectively and precisely. It often includes specialized jargon, acronyms, abbreviations, and technical terms that are unique to a specific industry or profession.
We have built a number of impressive bilingual libraries and glossaries, which are list of terms, words, or phrases that are commonly used in a specific industry, field, or subject area. These databases contain about 40 years of technical know-how and are continuously mined, leveraged and enriched by our team to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Quality assurance in technical translation is an essential step which refers to the process of ensuring that the final translated product meets the required standards of accuracy, clarity, and consistency. By following a rigorous quality assurance process and complying with our ISO9001 and ISO14001 requirements, our team can ensure that our clients receive high-quality translations that are accurate, clear and consistent, and that meet their expectations.

Are you in need of technical translation services for your business or organization? Would you like to know more about our service offering and discuss your needs? Contact us today to request a quote! To get started, simply submit your requirements by email along with the details of your project. We will provide you with a detailed quote and turnaround time based on your specific needs. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality translations that meet the highest standards of accuracy, cohesion, clarity and consistency.
Contact us today!